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"Norbert Jakse"
The effectiveness of decompression as initial treatment for jaw cysts: A 10-year retrospective study (2019-01)
S. Marin, B. Kirnbauer, P. Rugani, A. Mellacher, M. Payer, N. Jakse, The effectiveness of decompression as initial treatment for jaw cysts: A 10-year retrospective study, MEDICINA ORAL PATOLOGIA ORAL Y CIRUGIA BUCAL, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. e47 - e52, Jan, 2019 -
Potential risk factors for maxillary sinus membrane perforation and treatment outcome analysis (2019-01)
S. Marin, B. Kirnbauer, P. Rugani, M. Payer, N. Jakse, Potential risk factors for maxillary sinus membrane perforation and treatment outcome analysis, CLINICAL IMPLANT DENTISTRY AND RELATED RESEARCH, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 66 - 72, Jan, 2019 -
Immediate provisional restoration of single-piece zirconia implants- a prospective study - results after 18 month of clinical function (2018)
S. Marin, M. Payer, E. Amberge, M. Koller, K. Theissen, C. Reiffenstuhl, N. Jakse, Immediate provisional restoration of single-piece zirconia implants- a prospective study - results after 18 month of clinical function, Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2018